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Results of the 3rd Arnold Rosé Vienna International Violin Competition
We are very happy to have met so many musicians. We wish you all the best and good luck!


Category A


1st Shirin-Aimée Schulz

2nd Felicitas Schiffner

3rd Mateusz Makuch

Wiener Klassik Prize
İlke Işı Tuncer

Special Jury Prize
Yuan Tian

Honourable Mention:
Chyun Sooyoung

Endi Chen


Category B

1st Alicja Anna Jabłońska
1st Clara Chi

2nd Guillem Baviera Fusté

3rd Sura Hasanli

Wiener Klassik Prize
Ivan Kavaliou

Special Jury Prize
Aika Oki

Honourable Mention:
Davit Babayan

Aimi L Siejak

Nicholas Feng
Samuel Lee
Elizabeth Jiayin Liu

Category C

1st Jayda Lu

2nd Andrea Rossoux

3rd Martin Hammer

3rd Jessie Shang


Wiener Klassik Prize
Liza Yurkova

Special Jury Prize:
Cindy Chen
Cristina Alonso Sánchez
Angela Deng
Hannah Qian Yi Yap

Honourable Mention:
Julia Raj
Julia Kuczera

Caleb Chang

Aleksey Dzyuba

Pui Yi Yeung

Ruei-Shu Li

Lim Ying Xuan

Duru Sevlug

Category D

1st Mattia Wang

2nd River Ashley Brown

3rd Kimber Wu

Honourable Mention:
Sofija Dragojevic Burlica
Platon Novoselov



Chamber Music Composition

First prize
The Sonnenberg Suite - Ari Barack Fisher

Second prize
El Prado - Kirill Zheleznov​

Third Prize
Auschwitz Impressions - Jean-Charles Gandrille
Shadow - Gao Hongyang


Honorable Mention
String Quartet 2 - Andersen Viana
The Mist - Yang Haolin
Memories in Memory - Hao Chen

Gradatim  - Tommaso Scandroglio

Nacht - Ai Jian​​


Solo Composition

First prize
Chacona - Levent Altuntas

Second Prize
Foliage - Andreina Costantini
Cantilena - Andersen Viana

Third Prize
Improvisation - Ina Kosturi 
Motive - Chrysoula Mischou


Honourable Mentions

7 Capriccio - Ina Kosturi 

Violin Etudes - Mihyun Woo

Relentless - Lukas Janata

Destination - ​​​Xiaoxuan Gao
Ainulindalë - Emmanuel Chavaneau

Antu Ming Number - Yunmeng Wang

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